Air Travelers per Area in EU and US Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every square mile in each EU and US region. The leading EU region has more than double the air passengers per square mile than the leading US region.
Air Travelers per Area in US Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every square mile in each US region. The Northeast has almost twice as many air passengers per square mile than the next leading region.
Air Travelers per Area in EU Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every square kilometer in each EU region. The Eastern EU almost finally got a break and didn't finish last in one of these metrics but the Northern EU just barely squeaked by it.
Air Travelers per Area in EU and US States

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every square mile in each EU and US state. No state in the EU or the US comes anywhere near the number of air passengers per square mile that Malta has.
Air Travelers per Area in US States

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every square mile in each US state. New Jersey has a huge lead over every other state.
Air Travelers per Area in EU States

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every square kilometer in each EU state. Malta is in a class by itself.
Per Capita Air Travel in EU and US Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every resident in each EU and US region. The Northern EU is the only region in both superstates to have more than four air travelers for every resident in the region.
Per Capita Air Travel in US Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every resident in each US region. The West is the region with the most air passengers per capita in the US.
Per Capita Air Travel in EU Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air for every resident in each EU region. The Northern EU is the region with the most air passengers per capita in the EU.
Air Travel in EU and US Regions

The chart above shows the number of passengers that traveled by air in each EU and US region. The Western EU has so many air travelers that it has more than the next two regions combined.