Cartogram of Think Tanks in the United States

The geographically accurate cartogram above represents the size of the states based on their number of think tanks. Washington DC contains one out of every five think tanks in the US. Think tanks are clearly an east coast phenomenon.
Cartogram of Think Tanks in the European Union

The cartogram above represents the size of the states of the EU based on the number of think tanks. The United Kingdom contains one out of every five think tanks in the Union. With its impending exit, the EU is poised to lose 20 percent of its think tanks.
Oat Production in the European Union

The cartogram above represents the size of the states of the EU based on the number of hectares they dedicate to harvesting oats, the larger the state the more hectares it dedicates to oat production. Spain dedicates the greatest amount of land but Poland is not far behind. These two countries combined account for just over one-third of the land dedicated to oat production in the EU.
Barley Production in the European Union

Today a look at barley production in the European Union. Spain dedicates the greatest amount of land but France and Germany are not far behind. These three countries combined account for just under half the land dedicated to barley production in the EU.
Rye Production in the European Union

Today a look at rye production in the European Union. Poland dominates the EU with regard to the amount of land dedicated to the crop. It alone accounts for over half of the hectares that are dedicated to rye production in the Union. With Spain and Denmark, the three countries account for over three-fourths of the land dedicated to harvesting rye. There is one major caveat however, Eurostat has considered Germany's data unreliable for several years now and thus has not included data for Germany. Going back to 2009, the last year data for Germany is available, Germany allocated almost the same amount of land as Poland. So keep that in mind when viewing this map. A major producer is not included.
Wheat Production in the European Union

Today a look at wheat production in the European Union. Unlike potato production, there is no geographic area that dominates the amount of land dedicated to the staple grain. There are both northern and southern states that dedicate many hectares to it as well as eastern and central European states. Only western Europe (in the geographical sense) does not dedicate much land to the crop.
Potato Production in the European Union

Last week, the focus was on common Thanksgiving foods and which states produce them. Today a look at potato production in the European Union. Unlike the United States, there is no one state that completely dominates production of the crop. Rather, in the EU it takes both Germany and Poland to take up the share that Idaho takes up in the US. Not unlike the US though, potatoes are primarily produced in northern states.
Potato Production in the United States

This week, the focus is on common Thanksgiving foods and which states produce them. The geographically accurate cartogram above redraws the states' sizes based on potato production. Specifically the number of acres harvested. All 50 states produce the crop but there is one clear leader in the production of potatoes accounting for nearly one-third of the acres dedicated to the root: Idaho.
Green Bean Production in the United States

This week, the focus is on common Thanksgiving foods and which states produce them. The geographically accurate cartogram above redraws the states' sizes based on green beans production. Specifically the number of acres harvested. Only 10 states produce the bird and of the 10, the USDA publishes complete data on only six of them due to the other four states having few producers which would make it easy for their competitors to know how large their operations are.
Turkey Production in the United States

This week, the focus is on common Thanksgiving foods and which states produce them. The geographically accurate cartogram above redraws the states' sizes based on turkey production. Specifically the number of heads of turkey. Only 24 states produce the bird and of the 24, the USDA publishes data on only 18 of them due to the other six states having few producers which would make it easy for their competitors to know how large their operations are.