The Correlation between Shadow Economies and Economic Strength in Asia

In Asia, the correlation between economic strength and the strength of the shadow economy is pretty weak. Every country studied on the continent - excluding Thailand and Georgia - has a shadow economy that takes up at most one-half of its overall economy.
The Correlation between Shadow Economies and Economic Strength in Europe

In Europe, the correlation between economic strength and the strength of the shadow economy is pretty strong. Every country studied on the continent - excluding Albania, Bulgaria, and Ukraine - has a shadow economy that takes up at most one-third of its overall economy.
The Correlation between Shadow Economies and Economic Strength in South America

In South America, the correlation between economic strength and the strength of the shadow economy is pretty weak. Every country studied on the continent, excluding Chile, has a shadow economy that takes up at least one-fifth of its overall economy.
The Correlation between Shadow Economies and Economic Strength in North America

In North America, the indirect correlation between economic strength and the strength of the shadow economy is very strong. The United States and Canada have by far the largest economies and the smallest proportion of underground activity.