Busy Commercial Airports per Million International Tourists in the EU and US

The chart above shows the number of airports that have at least 15,000 annual passengers for every million international tourists each EU or US state receives. At first glance it seems as if US states have far too many airports for the number of international tourists they receive. However, US data does not include interstate tourists whereas EU data does, so this is not really a fair comparison. Still, there are EU states that still manage to surpass US states in this metric.
Busy Commercial Airports per Million International Tourists in the US

The map above shows the number of airports that serve at least 15,000 passengers per year for every million international tourists each US state receives. Alaska has the most airports for every million international tourists by a large margin.
Busy Commercial Airports per Million International Tourists in the EU

The map above shows the number of airports that serve at least 15,000 passengers per year for every million international tourists each EU state receives. Romania has the most airports for every million tourists.