EU and US States by Wooded Area

Sep 28, 2020
Wooded Areas in EU and US States

The chart above shows the proportion of each state that is wooded area.  Four US states and one EU state have over three-quarters of their land covered in wood.


  • The difference between the state with the greatest proportion of wooded area, Maine, and the state with the least, Malta, is 88.38 percentage points.
  • Maine has 82.08 times the wooded area as a proportion of the state that Malta does.
  • The difference between the US state with the greatest proportion of wooded area, Maine, and the EU state with the greatest, Finland, is 13.72 percentage points.
  • Maine has 1.18 times the wooded area as a proportion of the state that Finland does.
  • The difference between the state with the largest absolute value of wooded area, Alaska, and the state with the least, Malta, is 128,576,140 acres (52,032,900 hectares).
  • Alaska has 149,508.10 times the wooded area that Malta does.
  • The median proportion of wooded area in the 28 EU states is 35.25% and the mean 37.68%.
  • The median proportion of wooded area in the 50 US states is 42.13% and the mean 43.10%.
  • The median proportion of wooded area in the 78 EU and US states is 39.84% and the mean 41.16%.
  • The median wooded area acreage in the 28 EU states is 7,087,450 (2,868,190 hectares) and the mean 15,912,820 (6,439,690 hectares).
  • The median wooded area acreage in the 50 US states is 15,092,000 (6,107,516 hectares) and the mean 16,376,320 (6,627,262 hectares).
  • The median wooded area acreage in the 78 EU and US states is 12,313,500 (4,983,097 hectares) and the mean 16,209,940 (6,559,930 hectares).


  • EU data is from 2010, US data is from 2016.
  • EU and US data come from different sources.
  • EU data was converted from hectares to acres.
  • All figures are rounded to the nearest hundredth.


Alaska's wooded area accounts for 10.17% of the total wooded area in the EU and US.  It, with Sweden, Spain, and Texas make up over one-fourth of the wooded area in the EU and US at 26.45%.  Adding in Finland and France accounts for over one-third of the wooded area in the EU and US at 34.30%.  These with eight other states (California, Oregon, Germany, Italy, Montana, New Mexico, Georgia, and Poland) account for half the wooded area in the two superstates at 51.35%.

Alaska's wooded area is larger than the total size of all but three states.  Only France, Texas, and Alaska itself have more total area than the wooded area of Alaska.

Twenty-eight states (7 EU, 21 US) have wooded area account for more than half of their total state area.  Only nine states (2 EU, 7 US) have over 67% of their total area covered in woods.

Only six states (1 EU, 5 US) have less than one-tenth of their total area covered in woods.

The European Union as a total is 42.47% covered in wooded area which would place it between Hawaii and Cyprus in the chart above.  The United States as a total is 36.22% covered in wooded area which would place it between Italy and Lithuania in the chart above.


Eurostat.  2020.  "Area of Wooded Land."  Accessed September 25, 2020.,C,X,0;GEO,L,Y,0;UNIT,L,Z,0;INDIC_FO,L,Z,1;INDICATORS,C,Z,2;&zSelection=DS-096393INDICATORS,OBS_FLAG;DS-096393UNIT,THS_HA;DS-096393INDIC_FO,FOWL;&rankName1=UNIT_1_2_-1_2&rankName2=INDICATORS_1_2_-1_2&rankName3=INDIC-FO_1_2_-1_2&rankName4=TIME_1_0_0_0&rankName5=GEO_1_2_0_1&sortC=ASC_-1_FIRST&rStp=&cStp=&rDCh=&cDCh=&rDM=true&cDM=true&footnes=false&empty=false&wai=false&time_mode=NONE&time_most_recent=false&lang=EN&cfo=%23%23%23%2C%23%23%23.%23%23%23.

United States Department of Agriculture.  2016.  "Forest Inventory and Analysis: Fiscal Year 2016 Business Report."  Accessed September 24, 2020.